Solder Paste OM340 SAC0305 kg
No-Clean, Lead-Free, Fine Feature, Zero-Halogen, Low HiP, Highly Pin-Testable
ALPHA OM-340 is a lead-free, no-clean solder paste designed for a broad range of
applications. It provides best-in-class low defect rate for head-in-pillow defects combined with
excellent first pass yield on ICT/pin testing. ALPHA OM-340 also yields excellent print
capability performance across various board designs and, particularly with ultra-fine feature
repeatability and high ?throughput? applications.
An outstanding reflow process window delivers superior soldering on CuOSP with excellent
coalescence on a broad range of deposit sizes and excellent random solder ball resistance and
mid-chip solder ball performance. ALPHA OM-340 is formulated to deliver excellent visual joint
cosmetics and best-in-class in circuit pin test yields. Additionally, ALPHA OM-340?s capability
of IPC-7095 Class 3 for voiding and ROL0 IPC classifications ensures maximum long-term
product reliability
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